SkypeWe understand that life gets busy. There are errands to run, children to take care of, work to keep up with and a million other things to check off your to-do list, and it can feel impossible to keep up. In the midst of the chaos it is still important to take care of yourself and your needs. How else would you keep your sanity?

We understand that it can seem difficult to actually see your therapist, but it is essential to your healing and wellbeing – which is why we’ve made it easy for you!

Technology has become an essential part of all of our lives so why not use it to our benefit? Online video conferencing is an effective, confidential and convenient alternative to face-to-face sessions.

We have added a safe platform for conducting therapy sessions online through Skype. Skype offers an online therapist the ability to communicate with clients in real-time, from anywhere.*

This platform has all the tools we need to have a successful therapy session. Through high quality audio and video and with a broadband internet connection, Skype is a very effective way to provide one-on-one services for many different clients.

This online therapy service can benefit many types of clients – whether you are a busy mom who can’t make it into the office or someone who often travels for work.

If this method of seeing a therapist seems like a good fit for you, give us a call and set up your Skype appointment today!

*Please note that telemedicine services are limited to those whose primary residence is within the state of California.